Archive for the ‘MENTALLY ILL TROOPS’ category


November 18, 2009

Army suicides are at an all time high and the brass can’t understand why.  Now what do you think that proves.

Here are 3 Army statements on the subject 1 and 2 and 1 that says they are lying anyway on the numbers, surprise , surprise.

They are on top of it , they have let a 5 year 50,000,000 contract to find out why the troops are offing them selves.

Damn I could save them a lot of money just read the bullet points  below and you’ll know why. I have listened to and read many, many reports from the troops themselves relating life in the sand box.  Here are the reasons they say the problems are so immense.

  1. Repeated 15 month tours with a year in between rotations and 3 months of that are spent retraining.  So out of a two year period you many be home 9 months.  My longest patrol was 127 days and before that I use to say I could stay at sea till the food ran out, I was full of it.  I never experienced that kind of loneliness before in the middle of 120 other sailors putting around under the North Sea.  I can not imagine how long 15 months is and their communications are pretty limited. Some of these guys are on their 4th and 5th deployment.  No stress there for young men a lot with young wives and children.
  2. Up to half the deployed forces are Reserves, weekend warriors as we use to be referred to, longest damn weekend the reserves in these wars ever saw.  The stress and strain of combat along with the family tensions piled on top of the financial troubles the loss of pay, loss of job, loss maybe of house because they upped the payment and now you can’t afford it.  There you are in the middle of  god forsaken sand box doing exactly what you are not sure.
  3. As many as 30 % of returning soldiers suffer from mental problems, from PTSD, to brain concussions from bombs going off near or under them.  No hope of getting out anytime soon facing repeated tours to Iraq or Afghanistan to hear their leaders say we don’t have a defined mission.
  4. Watching their buddies blown up or shot by folks they were shaking hands with yesterday and knowing their turn might be tomorrow.  The stress of driving or walking the same routes day after day , getting shot at or blown up for 15 months at a time( for 550 straight days ) has to take a mental toll on you.
  5. Returning to find out you have lost your wife, your children, your house and any real reason to live , suicide might look like the only solution.
  6. To finally realize you were sent to fight the war in Iran by a pack of lies and all your leaders from the top down knew it.

8. To know you are part of a government that tortures prisoners grates on your mind even if you really do hate the guys you are fighting you know that torture is wrong and that you may be more likely to get tortured if you were to be captured.
9. Your on a battle field drenched with Depleted Uranium dust from bombs and shells that do horrible things to you and in some cases your wives and children, and your government says there is no evidence that the weapons are dangerous.

The Chain of Commands answer is a five year study, give me a break , if they are really that dumb maybe they should find a new job.  Lot of history of the incompetence of our leaders it’s time to hold them accountable.



November 5, 2009

There is one other choice, THEY MIGHT JUST BE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK.  This article claims that 75 % of 17 to 24 year olds are unfit for military service mainly for being obese.  (35%) drug use (8%), mental (10%) , too many dependants (18) , criminal records (5%).

The medically unfit mostly fall into the obese category (they use BMI numbers) to judge this , a BMI over 25 is overweight.  I’m here to tell you that the BMI measurement is a bunch of bullshit . It’s another of those false standards like a lot of other things beamed up by government, lie CPI, unemployment, Inflation, Productivity  Ok every number published by government agencies is pure crap, if you read this blog regularly you have seen the evidence.   Besides boot camp is and always has been about getting you into mental and physical shape to serve.

Mentally unqualified (10%)  .  Hell that’s not too bad , 30 % are republican and we know they are all mentally retarded, they prove it everyday.

Drugs (18%)  ,  what an easy way out, OOOOOHHHH  I Smoked pot , I’m not fit.  What bullshit!

Too many dependents (18%)  , this has always been the easy way out.

Criminals (5%) Didn’t matter much when the economy was good.

Not too very long ago they were taking old men (over 40) , criminals, mentally retarded, dope pushers and users in fact if you had a body temp of over 80 degrees you could get into the service.  Remember the stories coming out of Iraq about the ghetto gangs now now as soldiers taking over neighborhoods in Iraq.  When time were good and recruiting was in the tank any warm body would do.

The whine continues , only 12% of the kids show any interest in serving in the military and they blame the kids for that.  I would suggest a look in the mirror you will see the culprit .  For instance what do you think the likes of Colin Powell would see in that mirror look.  I know one lying son of a bitch , who lied his ass off from the beginning of his career in NAM , to his performance at the UN on Iraq and their weapons of mass destruction.

Perhaps if we fought wars that a kid could look at and say , I’m willing to give up 4 years of my life or my life period for this cause.  How many of the last 3 or 4 could you actually say you would go.  My answer is 0. Now were pushing for an increase of troops in Afghanistan , even our history poor youth know that this war cannot and will not be won.  The General say it will really take 500,000 troops to control the country and he’s asking for 40,000 US troops and the rest will be provided by our Nato allies.  I know what he sees when he looks in the mirror.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. The mirror will shatter , it knows bullshit when it sees it.



July 23, 2009

37% of returning vets from Iraq and Afghanistan are suffering from metal illness in various forms.  Researchers believe this is clear evidence that multiple deployments are behind this rise in metal illness in the troops.  This is about 2 in 5 of every deployed troop is essentially undeployable after their multiple tours. As this story shows being mentally ill does not mean you can’t be sent back.

The new army program says you can seek counselling under a don’t write it down program, where you spill your guts to some dime store shrink who does not write it down, gives you some sugar pills and sends you back into the fight.

Does any of this tell you the state of our current military policy and the devastation it is inflicting who this generation of fighting men.  As retired Navy I am so god damn mad about this I’m spitting blood.  Oh by the way the VA Shrink staff in manned at 50% of funded positions.